Fight against infertility is possible with the development of medicine and technology and this diagnosis is no longer a hard sentence. The IVF procedure is an effective, affordable and reliable method.


IVF in Europe

IVI Fertility Clinic is a major reproductive medicine center in Spain providing effective methods of infertility treatment for both Spanish citizens and foreign patients. Clinics of the center are located in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Bilbao, Saint Sebastian, Las Palmas, Seville, Mallorca and Alicante.


The staff of the clinics speaks English, French, Italian and German thus solving the issue of language barrier.


Doctors carry out a classic IVF – the egg cell and the spermatozoids are placed in a test tube where natural fertilization takes place, or the ICSI technique – specialists inject sperm cells into the egg cell in cases when the sperm cell cannot get into the egg cell independently.


IVI Fertility Clinic doctors stimulate the growth of follicles to get more eggs and increase the chances of fertilization. The procedure lasts from 10 to 20 days, depending on the treatment protocol used and the individual reaction rate of the patients. After successful stimulation, the ovum is fertilized, after which the best embryos are selected and transferred to the uterus.

If necessary, the use of donor sperm in clinics is available. As a result, 97% of patients become pregnant after undergoing assisted reproductive therapy. The cost of an IVF procedure at IVI Fertility Clinic is from € 4,500.

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Döbling Private Clinic – has established itself as one of the leading clinics in Vienna. Patients both in Austria and abroad highly value the professional competence of the doctors here. An infertility treatment center operates at the hospital. The most successful treatment method is IVF.

Doctors use the classical method of IVF, ICSI or IMSI – inject the sperm into the egg, which was chosen by experts. First, the growth of follicles is stimulated to produce larger number of eggs. Then use the basic IVF – an egg cell and a sperm cell are placed in a test tube, so that fertilization occurs naturally. If the procedure is successful, the embryo is placed in the uterus and two weeks later it is checked whether the pregnancy has occurred.

With a positive result, after 5 days the patient undergoes ultrasound – doctors determine the correct position of the embryo in the uterus and the timeliness of its development. When the heartbeat is detected in the embryo, the IVF treatment procedure is completed, the patient is referred to a specialist to accompany her pregnancy.

IVF in Europe

In the case of an unsuccessful attempt by classical IVF or with indications, such as a violation of sperm genesis and sperm motility, ICSI or IMSI methods are used. If necessary, doctors can use donor sperm or egg. The cost of an IVF procedure in a private clinic Döbling is from € 6,000.


IVF in Europe

Asklepios – this is 150 modern medical institutions in Germany. One of the largest medical groups in the country.


Experts use such IVF methods as basic, ICSI, IMSI, TESA. The TESA procedure is used if there are no spermatozoa in the ejaculation of semen, the essence of which is that the sperm is taken directly from the testicle. Then, using the IMSI method, the highest quality spermatozoa are selected and injected into the egg cell. After this procedure, the egg is placed in an incubator, where it is in the environment of substances that are necessary for the growth of the embryo. Embryos are kept in an incubator for 2 to 6 days, after which they are placed in the uterus.


High-quality embryos that remain can be saved and frozen using the cryopreservation method – vitrification, the essence of the procedure lies in very fast freezing, as a result of which there is no time to form ice crystals that could damage the embryo. The probability of successful defrosting after this method is 99%, whereas with conventional cryopreservation 60%. If necessary, doctors can use donated egg and sperm for IVF. IVF cost in Asklepios clinics start from € 8,000.


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Clinic Dunya IVF Center is located in Cyprus. The hospital is working since 2008. In January 2018, they moved to a new building, which is equipped with modern technology. This Center has 2 operating rooms, 4 private rooms for patients, a laboratory of andrology, embryology and cryopreservation, as well as a room for recovering of patients after the procedure.On the basis of Center there is the largest egg bank in Cyprus, which satisfy all the needs of patients. Doctors also use donor sperm and donor embryos, if female can not get pregnant with their own eggs and sperm. Dunya IVF Center is one of the few clinics in which she can choose the sex of the child.

The success rate of IVF with her own eggs depends on the age and fertility of the woman. At 20-29, it is 51%, while at 40+ it is 11%. While the success of the procedure with the use of donor eggs in 20-29 years old is 80%, and in 40+ – 78%. Doctors use two methods of auxiliary hatching and gluing embryos to the uterus to increase the chances of pregnancy. Hatching – a procedure aimed at facilitating the process of release of the embryo from the egg and its subsequent implantation into the uterine wall.

IVF in Europe

The method of gluing – experts immerse the embryo in a sticky substance, and then place it in the uterus during IVF. The cost of an IVF procedure in the Dunya IVF center is from € 4,000, if the couple wants to choose the sex of the child, then an extra charge of € 2,000 will be required.


IVF in Europe

At the INVICTA Women’s Health Clinic in Poland, specialists have been successfully treating infertility for more than 13 years. Hospital receives more than 10,000 patients each year.


A positive result was achieved by 9 out of 10 couples after undergoing treatment in Invicta. The hospital has the largest bank of sperm, eggs and embryos in Poland.


Doctors use IVF methods such as IMSI, ICSI, TESA. Conduct IVF with donor material. The clinic Invicta is also running Oncofertility program. Its essence lies in freezing the egg or sperm of cancer patients before chemotherapy. Patients can use the stored material for IVF. Specialists on request of couples can conduct pre-implantation diagnosis of PGS-NGS 360.


It will allow them to choose genetically healthy embryos for IVF, which increases the chances of getting pregnant, because due to genetic disorders, the embryo may not be implanted into the uterus. Also, the method prevents the birth of a child with genetic diseases. In the European Union countries a marriage certificate or a contract of consent for artificial insemination IVF procedure may be requested.

MediGlobus medical coordinators will tell you more about the organization of the IVF procedure and the selection of the clinic. Leave your request through the button “Get a free consultation” and wait for the call of our specialist!


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