Global medicine is improving rehabilitation methods with each passing year. This development is a result of hard working teams lead by specialists who have vast experience in rehabilitation and know exactly how to help the patient. In this article MediGlobus will tell you about what works best in rehabilitation therapy today.
The most advanced rehabilitation technologies are robotic systems and computerized installations. Thanks to them, doctors help patients with neurological disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as people who have suffered severe injuries of the spinal cord or brain – with the use of these a person can quickly return to normal life or get comfortable with new conditions of life. So, TOP-5 innovative methods of rehabilitation, which are unique in their effectiveness:


TheraSuit. The specialized suit, which was originally designed for astronauts used to reduce the negative impact of weightlessness on the body.
Now this equipment is used to strengthen the muscles that are involved in the movement, thanks to this suit a person learns how to move correctly.
The suit contributes to the development of correct reflexes and eliminates the pathological pressure on the joints, muscles and tendons.
TheraSuit helps the patient to improve balance and coordination, and due to dynamic muscular activity increases bone density.
thekasuit abroad


    Where it is available: Romatem (Turkey)



AMADEO system – robotic equipment designed to restore the motor functions of the hands. Thanks to the vast capabilities of the software controlled by the AMADEO system, doctors can tailor the device to the patient’s specific needs.
The essence of the work of the technique is to simulate the setting of the process of grasping and movement resulting improvement in the sensory and motor skills of the hands.
Such an effect reduces spasticity and helps to restore the sensitivity of the limbs.
This system can be used in any phase of hand disease. The great advantage is the versatility of the equipment – it is used both for adult patients and for children, since AMADEO can be easily adjusted for individual human parameters – palm volume, wrist girth, finger length, and others.

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apostherapy abroad

AposTherapy is a system that has the alternative name “smart shoes”.
This is a biomechanical development that is designed to reduce the load on damaged joints and at the same time has a positive effect on the muscles of the legs and back.
Such an action removes the pain syndrome and a person can walk again without discomfort.
Apos shoes are made individually for each patient, so a person does not feel any discomfort when walking.
The principle of this rehabilitation therapy is to change the center of pressure: “smart shoes” track the force with which the foot moves and correctly shifts the point where the weight of the person should fall when walking.

    Where it is available: Reuth (Israel)


lokamat abroad

Lokomat – the introduction of this equipment was a major breakthrough in rehabilitation, because with its help it is possible not only to restore the lost walking skill, but also to re-form it.
The essence of the Lokomat system is to use two robotic orthosis that mimic the movement of the legs – the movement of the pelvis, the transfer of body weight from one foot to another, and so on.
The built-in computer records are patient indicators and allows them to make adjustments to a given load – this allows them to carry out rehabilitation therapy more effectively.
Thanks to this technology, it is possible to carry out children’s rehabilitation, since the complex includes various options for ortrezov.

    Where available: Romatem (Turkey), Diaplasi (Greece).


Rewalk is a perfectly engineered system that is a bionic exoskeleton, a robotic equipment, with which even a paralyzed patient can stand, walk and climb stairs.
Despite the fact that Rewalk has a large enough own weight – more than 20 kg, a person does not experience this load, since the device transfers its weight to the floor or the ground.
Thanks to the established sensitive program, the exoskeleton itself determines the movement in which a person needs help.
Previously, Rewalk system acted solely as a rehabilitation method in medical centers, but now it is possible to purchase this equipment for permanent personal use. Specialists of the rehabilitation clinic train the patient to properly handle the “external skeleton”, after which the person can use the device independently.
rewalk abroad

At this stage, there are many effective technologies in rehabilitation medicine and specialists are constantly improving the already invented equipment and are actively testing the latest inventions. Patients who only a few years ago had almost no chance of recovery, today can live an active life

The MediGlobus team is always ready to assist in the selection of a rehabilitation center and to organize the necessary treatment depending on the needs of each patient.

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