“Lunar”, “demonic”, “the punishment of Christ,” “a sacred illness” in ancient Greece and “parliamentary” – in ancient Rome.
With late diagnosis and lack of timely treatment, there is a risk of a disease transition into dementia (acquired dementia). How to diagnose this complex neuropsychiatric illness in children and adults on time? Which diagnostic methods are the most effective? Where is the disease diagnosed with 100% accuracy? Read in this article from MediGlobus.

Three interesting facts about epilepsy
Diagnosis of epilepsy in adults
Diagnosis of epilepsy in children
Clinics for the accurate diagnosis of epilepsy


Diagnosis of Epilepsy in Children and Adults

Epilepsy is a chronic psychoneurological disease characterized by repeated epileptic seizures, transient psychotic disorders and chronic personality changes.
In ancient Greece, it was long believed that epilepsy is associated with the introduction of evil spirit into the human body, which the gods sent in response to his bad thoughts or deeds.
In Ancient Rome, the disease was also associated with the tricks of the gods. Sessions of the Senate were interrupted if one of those present had an epileptic seizure. It was believed that the gods thus express discontent with what is happening.
In the Middle Ages, epilepsy was considered an infectious disease. Patients with epilepsy were like lepers. They were avoided and spat, if they passed by (people thought that they would not be infected).
In the 21st century epilepsy is no longer considered as an infectious disease. The sufferer of this disease is given sympathy and help during unexpected seizures. Modern effective methods of diagnosis and treating epilepsy allow over 80% of patients to forget about seizures and stop the progression of the disease.



Diagnosis of Epilepsy in Children and Adults

The result of treatment depends on the correct and timely diagnosis. The neurologist needs to accurately identify the type of seizures and the degree of development of the disease in order to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
The main methods of diagnosing epilepsy in adults are:
1. Electroencephalography (EEG). This method makes it possible to record the activity of neuronal epileptic foci, determine the form of epilepsy and follow the dynamics of the disease.
2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI diagnostics can determine the type of epilepsy and determine its cause. This method is completely safe for healthy organs, since it is performed without the use of radiation.
3. Computer tomography (CT). It allows to reveal structural disorders in the brain and to establish the cause of epilepsy.

4. Positron emission tomography (PET). This method of diagnosis helps to accurately determine the location of the focus of the pathology, the condition of surrounding tissues and allows the neurosurgeon to prepare for the most successful surgical treatment of epilepsy.

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The first manifestations of epilepsy in children are difficult to determine because of their characteristic motor activity. As child grow up, they can have headaches that should alert the parents. If the headache appears abruptly and is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, the child should be shown to a specialist.
Let’s consider one more situation. The child is conscious, behaves as usual. You see that he wants to say something, but he can not say a word for couple of minutes – it’s also worth visiting a neurologist. Sometimes the only early sign of epilepsy in children is such short-term speech disorders.

Differential diagnosis of epilepsy in children provides for the exclusion of other diseases that can manifest themselves at a certain age. To confirm the diagnosis, to identify the exact location of epileptic foci, to determine the form of epilepsy and the cause of its occurrence, leading neurosurgeons prescribe children to go through:

  • Electroencephalography (EEG);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET).


Precise diagnosis of epilepsy is carried out in clinics of Germany, Spain, Turkey, South Korea and Israel. There are latest diagnostic equipment, certified laboratories and world-class neurologists.

For detailed information about the leading methods of diagnosing epilepsy in children and adults abroad, selecting the most suitable clinic and an experienced specialist – leave a query on MediGlobus.

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