Sometimes we don’t even know that your certain actions are causing irreparable damage to the joints. Read MediGlobus tips on what to do and what to avoid in order to protect your orthopaedic problems faced by millions of people around the world.


orthopedic disease

1. Heavy burden. You knew that the load on the joints is 4 times greater than the weight that you raise. But your joints are very sensitive to heavy loads. In addition, the back, thighs and legs are straining. Your personal overweight also causes disruption. As a result, all your joints lose functionality, swell and begin to ache.


2. “Stuck” in the phone. Have you ever heard of the problem of “print fingers”? Your tendons may become irritated and block your thumb in a curved position. Constant work with the phone also negatively affects the condition of your neck and shoulders. If you bend your neck so that your chin touches your chest, it is equivalent if your neck holding 5 heads.


3. Saving on sports shoes. Specialized footwear for various sports was invented for a reason. For example, high-top sneakers for basketball can protect your ankles from dislocations and sprains. However, too much support can interfere with the natural movement of the foot and cause pain. Tip one: choose shoes depending on the type of your activity.


4. Love of heels. The higher the heel, the greater the load on the joints. First of all, the foot suffers. The muscles of the hips work hard, so that the knees remain straight. And of course your knees suffer. If you wear high heels every day, your chances of osteoarthritis are significantly increased. And already in 40 you can regret the addiction to such shoes.


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5. Love to snap joints of fingers. Despite the erroneous opinion that this can cause arthritis, it is not so. Nevertheless, it is necessary to get rid of this habit. Studies show that this can lead to an increase and weakening of the joints of the hands.


6. Incorrect load management. When you mismanage the load, your joints suffer. If you need to open a heavy door, push it with your shoulder, not with your fingers. When you lift something off the floor, bend your knees and use strong leg muscles. If you carry something heavy, transfer the load to the palm of your hand, not your fingers.


7. Smoking and chewing tobacco. Nicotine in cigarettes and chewing tobacco reduces blood flow to your bones and discs in the back and limits the amount of calcium in the bones. In addition, tobacco reduces the amount of estrogen, the hormone needed for bone health, which slows their growth.

8. Stay in one position. Your body needs stretching. Stretch in the morning and evening, during work, sitting on a chair and standing up from it. Regular stretching will help strengthen muscles and tendons, and also make them more flexible. All this will allow your joints to move easier and help the muscles around them work better.


9.Total absence of weight loads. Remember, we said that you can not force yourself to lift heavy loads? However, the correct strength training will only benefit. As soon as you turn 40, your bones will begin to become a bit thinner and more likely to break. If you build muscle with strength training, it also slows down the loss of bone tissue and even causes its new growth. Thus, you not only strengthening your muscles, but also making your bones more dense. All this contributes to the stabilization of your joints and reduces the chances of injury.


10. Sleep face down. This can help you get rid of snoring, but will not be as beneficial to your body. When you sleep on your stomach, your head moves back and presses the spine. In addition, your spine stays very long in one position. As a result, joints and muscles suffer.

Sleep face down


11. Poor sleep. Studies show that people with arthritis experience more pain after restless nights. One of the theories is that when you sleep badly, there is inflammation in your body, which can lead to related problems over time.


12. Position reclining on a chair. Can you see only your head from the table? You do not sit on a chair, but you are half-lying? This increases the tension in your muscles and joints, and also tires them. Keep your back straight and your shoulders lowered and straightened. Perhaps this is more difficult, but eventually the body will thank you.


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13. Working before the computer. Not only the eyes hurt from working at the computer, your muscles and joints also suffer: neck, elbows, wrists, back and shoulders. The problem is not only because of a bad posture, but also that you are in this position for too long. Raise your hands upward to lift the weight off your shoulders and neck. Be sure to get up and move every hour.


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