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Breast cancer is a type of cancer that responds well to treatment. Provided early diagnosis and timely therapy, the prognosis is favorable. The duration and quality of life of a woman with breast cancer depends on the stage of the disease that she is diagnosed with. So, with cancer in situ and stage 1, the success of treatment is 100%. In this article, you will learn how stage 0 to 4 breast cancer manifests itself and how it is treated.



Breast cancer classification

Breast cancer stages

The stage of breast cancer shows the extent of the malignant process. The treatment protocol depends on the accuracy of the staging. The stage is diagnosed by the size of the tumor and damage to the lymph nodes and organs.


The international TNM cancer classification characterizes the following cancer criteria:


    иконка галочки T is the size of the formation;

    иконка галочки N – involvement of regional lymph nodes in the malignant process;

    иконка галочки M – presence / absence of metastases in organs.

расразвитие рака молочной железы в организме

Stage 0 or cancer in situ

At stage 0 breast cancer, the tumor has not yet expanded beyond the lesion. At this stage, the chances of successful treatment are highest. However, it is difficult to detect cancer at this stage. Only 5% of patients manage to detect breast cancer at this stage.

Stage 1

    The tumor grows beyond the primary focus and can be up to 2 cm in diameter. Organ metastases are absent.


    иконка галочки T1 – tumor of at least 2 cm;


    иконка галочки N0 – there are no metastases in the lymph nodes;


    иконка галочки M0 – organ metastases are absent.

Stage 2

    The size of the neoplasm is 2-5 cm with or without metastases in the axillary lymph nodes.


    иконка галочки T2 – tumor from 2 to 5 cm;


    иконка галочки N1 – metastases in nearby lymph nodes;


    иконка галочки M0 or M1 – there are no metastases in organs or there is 1 organ with metastases.

Stage 3

    A neoplasm with a size of 5 cm, which metastases to nearby lymph nodes and organs (skin, chest).


    иконка галочки T3 – tumor more than 5 cm;


    иконка галочки N2 – metastases in 4-9 lymph nodes;


    иконка галочки M0 or M1 – there are no metastases in organs or there is 1 organ with metastases.

Stage 4

    At the fourth stage, breast cancer metastases to distant organs – lungs, liver, brain, bones, adrenal glands.


    иконка галочки T4 – tumor size does not matter;


    иконка галочки N3 – metastases in the lymph nodes on both sides of the chest;


    иконка галочкиM1 – metastases in organs.

The disease at different stages

In stages 0, 1 and 2, breast cancer is usually asymptomatic. In 70% of cases, patients independently detect a seal in the gland. At stage 3, discharge from the nipple, a violation of symmetry, a symptom of a lemon peel, and swelling may appear. Intoxication syndrome is also possible (sweating, weight loss, fever for a short time). There may be discomfort in the armpit on the affected side. Stage 4 breast cancer is characterized by a violation of the organs – liver, kidneys, lungs (edema, pain).

Treatment of breast cancer at different stages

Stage 0 breast cancer therapy

    иконка галочки At stage zero breast cancer, lumpectomy is performed – a surgical procedure to remove the tumor and a small amount of healthy tissue around it.


    иконка галочки After a lumpectomy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy (if the tumor is hormone-dependent) are prescribed to prevent the development of cancer in the future.

Stage 1 breast cancer treatment

    иконка галочки Breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy) or radical removal (mastectomy).

    иконка галочки Radiation is given to kill cancer cells that may have remained after surgery.

    иконка галочки Chemotherapy and hormone therapy may be prescribed on an individual basis.

Stage 2 breast cancer treatment

    иконка галочки Lumpectomy or mastectomy.


    иконка галочки Chemotherapy before and after surgery.


    иконка галочки Radiotherapy.


    иконка галочки Hormone therapy for hormone-dependent cancer.


Stage 3 cancer treatment

    иконка галочки Mastectomy.


    иконка галочки Chemotherapy is prescribed both before surgery and after.


    иконка галочки Radiotherapy.


    иконка галочки Therapy with hormonal drugs in case of sensitivity of the tumor.


Stage 4 breast cancer treatment

Treatment at the last stage is palliative. It is aimed at prolonging life and improving its quality. Chemotherapy and hormonal and targeted therapy are prescribed. Life expectancy directly depends on whether metastases have affected vital organs. Therefore, one of the main methods of therapy at the metastatic stage is surgery or radiation therapy for metastases.

Survival rates at different stages of breast cancer

Half of the patients who seek treatment are diagnosed with stage 3. This is due to the absence of symptoms in the initial stages of the process. The tactics of treating such patients depends on the general condition, age and the presence of concomitant pathologies. At the same time, in foreign clinics, an interdisciplinary approach is the basis for the treatment of women with breast cancer. The prognosis of the success of breast cancer therapy is:


    иконка галочки The prognosis of survival at 0 and 1 stages of breast cancer is 100%.

    иконка галочки The prognosis for stage 2 is 93%.

    иконка галочки The survival rate for stage 3 breast cancer is 72%.

    иконка галочки The survival rate of patients with stage 4 is 22%. Patients with this stage live no more than 10 years.


In foreign medical centers, removed breast reconstruction is performed. Reconstruction can be one-step (i.e. immediately after removal) or subsequent (after some time). Also, foreign clinics provide patients with breast cancer with such additional services as: psychologist’s help, cosmetic procedures, art therapy, etc.


It should be remembered that even with an unfavorable prognosis, it is in your power to make life as comfortable and high quality as possible. Modern methods of breast cancer treatment can significantly prolong life. Leave your request – we will answer you as soon as possible and help you organize a trip to a foreign clinic for breast oncology treatment.

Stages Of Breast Cancer

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