Cosmetic treatments are on the rise in these modern times and most of us are aware of common aesthetic procedures such as breast augmentations, face lifts and tummy tucks. Information about these procedures circulate around us on social media platforms, journals, TV ads or from a family member who is conscious about his/her looks.


Plastic industry is expanding fast, thanks to medical developments and an increase in the number of trained aesthetic surgeons, our chances are no longer limited to the traditional methods. More an more new techniques are offered to those who want to have work out on less conventional areas. Patient demand, increased surgical sophistication and shorter healing periods have been instrumental in an increase in procedures like brachioplasty (arm lift), facial hair transplant, blepharoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation. We have gathered some of the cutting edge procedures you might not have even heard of yet? Read on to find out.

Vampire Face Lift

Plastic Surgery Procedures That Might Be New To You

Don’t get a full meaning from the title as we are not talking about creating a monster/zombie face instead its opposite. The Vampire Face Lift is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation therapy(non surgical), that uses PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to improve facial skin, lift brows, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, even skin tone, and encourage healing and cell regeneration process.


PRP is a serum made by collecting platelets from the patient’s own blood, which is then injected into the face to promote the skin’s natural healing powers and slow the signs of aging. Small portion of blood is taken, the facial treatment takes half an hour.

Results are visible within couple of weeks and usually to get complete effect about 2-3 sessions are recommended.

The recovery period for a Vampire Face Lift is short, patients can expect slight tenderness and redness where the injections were made.


As by name it is clear that dimpleplasty is a minimally-invasive procedure to create dimples in the cheeks or chin and has recently become quite popular. Dimples are seen as an attractive facial feature in many cultures and natural dimples are an anatomical muscular abnormality created by a gap in the buccinator (cheek) muscle and causes a slight indentation in the skin. This procedure takes about half an hour to create a similar appearance artificially.

Procedure under local anesthesia, the surgeon makes small incision in the buccinator muscle from inside the mouth which creates the dimple. While this is a minimally-invasive procedure, patients still need to be careful for few days after the procedure.. Outcome can be seen in 2 weeks.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid surgery)

Signs of aging are usually noticed first by the appearance of eyelid skin . Eyelid skin can become loose causing a tired look and excess skin around the eyes can add to the appearance of aging.

Eyelid surgery can involve the operative improvement of the upper and lower eyelid. This change result in the removal of fatty deposits which caused puffiness around the eyes, tightening and smoothing of either or both eyelids, and the removal of excess skin which helps reduce the appearance of lines and create a more youthful, bright-eyed appearance.

Blepharoplasty is an operative intervention and recovery times can vary depending on the volume of work performed, though most patients can expect up to 2 weeks of healing before results are fully visible.

The average cost is around $3,000 as estimated by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Plastic Surgery Procedures That Might Be New To You



Many people associate rhinoplasty with a complex operation consist of many scars, blood loss and a longer recovery time. Today, thanks to the advanced endoscopes that can magnify the image many times, microsurgical operations can be carried out. To conduct such an operation, few punctures are made on the mucosa and inside the nasal passages. Aim is to preserve the integrity of the internal structure of the nose, does not even affect the thin vessels, nerve endings eliminating the risk of damage to the nasal septum.

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

With ageing the skin around our upper arms stretches and fat deposits can make it appear loose and hanging. Brachioplasty is a form of body reshaping that’s is aimed to removes unwanted skin from the upper arm, creating a leaner and more youthful appearance. The term covers a wide range of interventions, including skin removal, fat removal, and skin tightening. A brachioplasty can also include a fat transfer, in which fat is removed from one area of the body, and put into another area, like the butt or breast.


As it is a surgical procedure, recovery time for brachioplasty is between 2 and 3 weeks. The cost of a brachioplasty varies on average costs between 4,000 USD and 4,500 USD.

Otoplasty (Ear Lift)

Plastic Surgery Procedures That Might Be New To You

Procedures like face lift, a breast lift and even a neck lift are already popular among public but another cosmetic procedure becoming more popular is the otoplasty (ear lift).

Otoplasty refers to a range of different aesthetic surgery techniques, including ear size reduction, ear pinning (called pinnaplasty and is performed to correct protruding ears), and ear reshaping. It is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anaesthesia.

Depends on the type of operation you want done, it usually involves the surgeon making a small incision behind the ear, removing cartilage and then pinning or stitching the ear into the desired shape.


During recovery period after otoplasty, patient can feel numbness in ear. Stitches need to be kept dry until they can be taken out, usually after a week. After two weeks of surgery, ear should be fully recovered and the final results are visible. Like other procedures, the cost of otoplasty varies, but on average is around $3,000.

Facial Hair Implants

Hair transplantation is considered the most popular among men to fight baldness. Now the trend is of growing moustache, fuller beards, sideburns, or thicker eyebrows, and to achieve these goals there is an option facial hair implant if natural growth doesn’t keep up to it. This latest technique involves removing hair follicles from the scalp,chest or neck regions and carefully implanting them into the face one by one. Usually performed under local anesthesia, the procedure uses hundreds of tiny grafts of hair depending on the desired density of facial hair. After the grafting process is completed, the area is kept completely dry for about five days. First 2 weeks the hair shed and after 3 months, it will grow back thicker and fuller, even if the area never has hair before.

Vaginal Rejuvenation (Intimate Plastic Surgery)

Vaginal rejuvenation, or intimate plastic procedures, consist of big range of both non-operative and operative interventions that are conducted on the vaginal area and are designed to reduce laxity, sexual satisfaction, tighten vaginal walls and help reconstruct the vagina both internally and externally after delivery. Procedures can consist of laser and radiofrequency treatments for tightening the internal canal, labial reduction surgery, and monsplasty decreasing fat deposits in the mons pubis (located above the vagina). Recovery period for most of the vaginal rejuvenation surgeries is 1-3 weeks.

Remove Wrinkles = Cure Migraine

Most of us do not understand how wrinkles and migraines can be connected. However, this connection was proven by experts a few years ago. Approximately 15% of people around the world suffer from sudden headaches, and these are mostly women. Surgical treatment of migraine is to remove the muscle that squeezes the trigeminal nerve. It is on the forehead, between the eyebrows. What is important is the fact that a special test is carried out before the operation: Botox injections are made in certain zones on the forehead. After such a check, it becomes clear whether the patient will have surgery. If the result is positive – it is possible to simultaneously get rid of migraines and wrinkles.

Surgery And Minimal Intervention –Combining The Concepts

Importance of innovative aesthetic intervention is minimally invasive surgery. Currently this is on trend in all the area of medicine including plastic surgery. Stereoptype concept about plastic techniques is ending soon. With the introduction of laser, small cuts on microlevel are made making it the most safest to surrounding.

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